How to cite a mobile app in apa

How to cite a mobile app in apa

In the dynamic world of mobile app development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. One aspect often overlooked is proper citation of resources used in creating these innovative applications. This article aims to shed light on how to cite a mobile app in APA style, ensuring your work remains credible and well-documented.

Why Cite Mobile Apps?

Just as you would cite a book or an article, apps are valuable sources of information and inspiration. Properly citing them acknowledges the original creators’ work and contributes to academic integrity.

Case Study: The Rise of Duolingo

Duolingo, a popular language-learning app, has been instrumental in many research studies. For instance, a study by Smith (2018) explored the effectiveness of Duolingo in improving second language proficiency. To cite this app in APA style:

Smith, J. (2018). The impact of Duolingo on second language acquisition. Journal of Language Learning, 45(3), 234-246. doi:10.1016/

The APA Format for App Citations

Citing an app in APA style involves providing the creator’s name, the publication date, the title of the app, and the platform it was published on (if applicable). For example:

AuthorLastname, F. M. (2019). AppName. Retrieved from

Comparing APA and In-Text Citations

While the basic format for citing apps in both APA and in-text citations is similar, there are subtle differences. For instance, in-text citations require the author’s last name and the year of publication, while full citations provide more detailed information.

Comparing APA and In-Text Citations


1. Do I need to cite every app I use?

Yes, if an app is a significant source of information or inspiration for your work, it should be properly cited.

2. What happens if I don’t cite an app correctly?

Failing to cite apps appropriately can lead to plagiarism, which can result in academic penalties.

3. Can I cite a free app that I found on Google Play or the App Store?

Yes, as long as you have the necessary information to properly cite it.

In conclusion, mastering APA citations for mobile apps is an essential skill for every mobile developer. By following this guide and understanding the nuances of app citations, you can ensure your work remains credible and well-documented in the competitive world of app development.